Dr. David Dynof


Dr. David Dynof MD has been a licensed medical doctor practicing in NY for over 20 years. Dr. Dynof comes from a surgical background. He trained in both general and orthopedic surgery at New Yorks Beth Israel Medical Center. He also has extensive training and experience performing cosmetic procedures. He later trained in anesthesia and pain management to further develop his craft.

He has spent his entire life as an athlete on a competitive and professional level. To this day he is an extreme sports athlete and travels the globe in search of big waves, fresh powder, good wind and pretty much any activity that defies gravity. 

Surfing, kiteboarding, free-dive spearfish, snow biking, motocross, downhill mountain biking, backcountry skiing / snowboarding and soccer are just some of the more common sports that you will find him doing these days. If you have the opportunity to catch him on the ground, you may find him working on an engine, oil painting, or working on his landscaping operating heavy machinery. All these activities do not come without a price, and Dr Dynof has sustained just about every injury you that you might present to him. He has made it his life’s work, to learn about, discover and apply, the newest and most cutting-edge treatments available to date. Whether is using mesenchymal stem cells, PRP, exosomes, or low dose ultrasound guided steroid injections, Dr Dynof will carefully guide you down the correct path to recovery. He focuses on utilizing minimally invasive procedures, under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance.

Dr. Dynof’s ultimate goal is to minimize the time it takes for the body to heal using a conservative but yet dynamic approach. Although surgery is sometimes inevitable, Dr. Dynof will offer you numerous non-surgical treatment options and will work in union with your physical therapist, chiropractor, or acupuncturist. Dr. Dynof truly defines himself as a healthcare provider that is willing to take on any challenge. He will not only treat, but guide and walk one down the correct road to recovery.