Category: nutrition

Dec20th 2022

Eliminate Pain With A Healthy Diet

You Know The Saying…We Are What We Eat! If you’re already visiting a physical therapist for internal inflammation, you’re aware that this is a condition that can have a significant impact on your general health. Physical therapy can assist whether you have a particular diagnosis for your inflammation (such as osteoarthritis) or you’re not sure

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Living With Chronic Headaches? Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief. Nov20th 2021

Living With Chronic Headaches? Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief.

There is nothing worse than having the feeling someone (or something) is squeezing your head, really, really hard! We’ve all been there, and it’s miserable, to say the least. Whether the pain starts in your neck, the back of your head, or front and center behind your eyes, stress headaches can seriously throw your day

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Chronic Pain Got You Down? Take A Closer Look At What You’re Eating Nov10th 2021

Chronic Pain Got You Down? Take A Closer Look At What You’re Eating

If you’re like many of the Americans living day in and day out with nagging chronic pain, you know firsthand just how limiting it can be to deal with. Chronic pain, whether it’s in your legs, feet, hands, arms, back, or shoulders, can make the easiest of tasks feel excruciatingly painful to perform. The good

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