Acupuncture in Midtown & Downtown NYC
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a whole-body approach to healing, it takes a holistic and nurturing approach to healing the body.
This is done by carefully inserting fine sterile needles to stimulate important acupuncture meridian points found across the body to help promote healing.
Acupuncture meridian points activate the body’s innate healing abilities. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there’s the vital energy called Qi (chee) flowing throughout our body. Qi animates the body and protects it from illness. Qi flows through pathways called meridians and provides nourishment to the body’s cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands. When there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi, pain occurs and symptoms associated with a condition or illness may appear.
When receiving acupuncture treatment, most people experience little or no pain. In fact, many people experience a deep sense of relief and find acupuncture helps with their specific symptoms and signs.
From a modern scientific perspective, stimulation of acupuncture meridian points causes the release of a multitude of nervous system chemicals, such asBeta-Endorphin, in our brain, spinal cord, and muscles that help restore the body’s ability to heal naturally. These chemicals provide tremendous health benefits, whether it is influencing your body to heal more quickly, or simply altering how you may be experiencing your pain, and there are no side effects.
Acupuncture is a time-tested, more than three thousand years, safe, effective, natural and drug-free way of healing art.
What and How We Treat Using Acupuncture at NYC Wellness
Musculoskeletal/Chronic Pain
Acupuncture needles will unblock the Qi blockages by loosening those tight muscles and increasing blood flow
Musculoskeletal/Chronic Pain
Acupuncture needles will unblock the Qi blockages by loosening those tight muscles and increasing blood flow
Balancing the chemicals in the brain and loosening the muscles around the neck, shoulder, and other parts of the body to provide relief from headaches or migraines.
Stress Reduction
Calming down the mind by stimulating specific acupuncture points and balancing the nervous system. Amazingly, 99% of patients find acupuncture treatment very relaxing!
Musculoskeletal/Chronic Pain
Acupuncture needles will unblock the Qi blockages by loosening those tight muscles and increasing blood flow
Calming down the energy, balancing the chemicals by the work of Beta-Endorphins, and bringing the organ-based energetics to harmony. Acupuncture helps to reduce stress, and encourages and supports a greater sense of well-being and balance.
Calming down the energy, balancing the chemicals by the work of Beta-Endorphin, helps to stimulate specific acupuncture points to induce deeper sleep.
Allergies are generally caused by weakened Wei-Qi (similar to our healthy immune system). Acupuncture supports and strengthens the systems of the body that are involved in the production of Wei Qi. By building up the supply of Wei Qi, and facilitating the smoothing and freeing of it through the body, symptoms and signs related to allergies could be greatly reduced or eliminated.
Digestive issues
We help the specific organ systems that are imbalanced by inserting needles into specific acupuncture points. These organ systems include: Spleen, Stomach, Liver and Kidney. Acupuncture can provide a safe, natural, drug-free and effective way to address IBS, constipation and other digestive issues.
Gynecology issues
Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, PMS, PCOS, UTI, can be treated with acupuncture. We trigger specific acupuncture points to release the blockage and/or enhance the energy flow so that the female reproductive system restores its balance.
Acupuncture treatment will increase blood flow to the uterus, reduce anxiety, stress, and bring balance to hormonal and endocrine systems. This treatment will positively affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which plays a key role in fertility.
Estrogen is similar to what acupuncturists call Jing Qi. Jing Qi is like a gift that is given to all of us with the basic energy to power all our life functions. Naturally, our supply of Jing Qi is slowly drained, as we age, and the organ systems within our body become unbalanced. Imbalance in Yin and Yang is another factor of menopause. By inserting needles to specific acupuncture points, we bring balance to the patient’s body, decrease the symptoms and help patients’ physical transition.
Men’s Health
In terms of infertility, studies have shown that acupuncture treatment can improve sperm production and quality, as well as help increase the chances of success when used in conjunction with Western reproductive technology. Other medical conditions that acupuncture can address are male depression, prostate Health, ED, and male menopause. Acupuncture and herbal therapy can support men as they age and decrease/eliminate symptoms and signs related to men’s health.
Acupuncture treatment will increase blood flow to the uterus, reduce anxiety, stress, and bring balance to hormonal and endocrine systems. This treatment will positively affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which plays a key role in fertility.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine can be used to expedite the healing process, and strengthen, support, or tonify the body. These formulas have the capacity to address the underlying root cause of various medical conditions, whether acute or chronic. When prescribed and used correctly, Chinese herbal formulas rarely cause unwanted side-effects. Chinese herbal medicine is a safe, effective, and drug free way to become well and stay healthy, naturally.