Physical Therapy Can Improve The Outcome of Your Surgical Operation

Physical Therapy Can Improve The Outcome of Your Surgical Operation Jan10th 2022

Are you scheduled to have an operation sometime shortly? If so, there’s something you should add to your list of things to do to prepare!

You’re probably already aware that you will be needing physical therapy after your surgery, but did you know that it’s a wise idea to work with a physical therapist both before and after an operation?

Working with a physical therapist before your operation — sometimes referred to as “prehab” — can help you to prepare emotionally and physically for the surgery.

Physical therapy can help to ensure a speedy and full recovery after an operation is complete. If you have an upcoming surgery planned, contact us to learn more about how physical therapy can help you with both preparation and recovery.

What are the benefits of physical therapy before surgery?

For some people, surgery scary but necessary event. They know they’ll have to be operated on to boost their health or fix a problem, but the thought of anesthesia and surgery can still be very unsettling! Working in advance with a physical therapist will help ease these kinds of worries. Moreover, after the surgery, you have a successful recovery plan in place.

Working with a physical therapist before surgery can help you get ready for adjustments you will have to make after all is said and done and you’re on your way home to recover. For example, your therapist can get you ready for riding in a car, moving around your home, your eventual return to work, and a post-operative exercise plan that won’t result in setbacks during your recuperation period. Your therapist can also recommend assistive devices that you may need after surgery, such as a cane or walker.

A large part of the “pre-hab” work you’ll do with a physical therapist might involve recommendations for setting up a “recovery zone” in your home. Say that your bedroom is on the second floor. Temporarily, you might want to set up a bedroom or resting area on the first floor, to avoid having to use the stairs frequently after surgery. Physical therapy will be important for your recovery, but so will therapeutic rest. Have an area of your home prepared where you can comfortably sit, rest, and relax.

The same adjustments can be made in other areas of your home as well. Kitchen items that you might need to reach should be placed on lower shelves ahead of time, within easy reach.

Becoming fairly fit before surgery can even prevent the need for inpatient rehabilitation with a physical therapist. Exercise will also be a part of your physical therapy plan before surgery. Strength training, stretching for flexibility, and aerobic exercise to improve oxygen flow will all help you to recover more quickly after your operation.

What are the benefits of physical therapy after surgery?

Your work with a physical therapist can begin the same day as your operation, in some cases. Physical therapy is a very common part of a recovery plan after surgery. Depending on the type of operation that you have undergone, your therapist can teach you the proper ways for getting in and out of bed, using mobility assistance devices, getting dressed, and using the restroom.

Remember that a physical therapist has many tools and techniques at their disposal, and they are trained specifically in the best methods to help you recover from an injury or surgery. For example, you probably won’t be heading into a gym for heavy weightlifting sessions after surgery, followed by a 10-mile run on a treadmill. You are much more likely to go through water-based training sessions in a pool, to reduce strain on muscles recovering from surgery.

Your physical therapy treatment program will involve helping you return to a normal life. A physical therapy exercise plan will be tailored toward gradually rebuilding your strength, without the risk of tearing any sutures or reinjuring yourself.

You may also learn assisted exercises in which your therapist or a helper at home can aid you in moving your limbs to contract muscles — without straining or reinjuring anything.

Overall, it’s important to remember that a physical therapist’s goal is to help relieve your pain and get your mobility and levels of function back to normal as quickly as possible. If something hurts, tell your therapist right away! They can always adjust your treatment plan accordingly, and they’ll always be more than willing to help you figure out new ways to move that are more comfortable for you.

Set yourself up for success with a physical therapy program

If you have a planned surgery coming up and would like to know more about how physical therapy can help with your preparations and recovery, contact NYC Wellness and schedule an appointment today!


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